FREE GIFT FOR YOU: Download a free chapter of my E-Workbook: Single While Quarantined: [Scroll to the bottom of the website] NOW OFFERING INDIVIDUAL & GROUP TELETHERAPY DUE TO COVID-19. Often times what we desire the most are also the things that trigger great fear in us. Sharing our vulnerable stories can be scary but you are not alone. We all need an ear to hear us and a heart to understand us and that is why my approach to counseling is a team effort approach. We are in this together. This allows me to meet you directly where you are.
Many of my clients have specifically found EMDR therapy to be most effective for them. I often hear, “I have more peace, clarity, and a feeling of love and compassion after doing EMDR.” EMDR allows you to take back the power that past events may have taken from you.
I am an author of 8 self-help books, I am a mental performance coach for athletes, and I have done a TEDx talk on “Overcoming the Fear of Love” so I am very familiar with overcoming the fear of ___ (anything standing in your way) and I’m here to help you do just that! I am based in Dallas, TX but provide online counseling for clients out of town.
Ph.D. Clinical Counseling/Nazarene University
Been in Practice Since