I get it. Seeking therapy is a huge first step, and you have probably searched and searched to find the therapist that best suits your needs. You’ve read bios, you’ve searched their social media, and you still just aren’t sure. You may have even had a therapist once that you just didn’t vibe with.
The most important qualifier is that I have sat in your seat. I don’t just have the educational background and expertise to provide quality care, but I have gone to therapy myself and found how beneficial it is to my life. I know what it’s like to be on the other side of the chair… to pour my heart out to someone I’m not sure I should trust… to develop a meaningful therapeutic relationship… and then see the beauty unfold as I learn about myself and how to adjust my thinking and resolve issues of my past. This journey you are getting ready to go on is special and important to your growth and I’m honored to be considered on your path of discovery.
Fatima Banister LMSW MPA