
On the inside, you are confused, hurting, and you don’t like to feel this way. You feel free when you become intoxicated, binged, yell at those closest to you, sometimes, you find yourself alone staring and thinking. You feel something, you are just not able to say exactly what’s bothering you. The more you try to pretend everything is okay, the more you see yourself losing your grip on things around you. You tell yourself, things will get better, you put your best smile on for the world, it continues to get worse.
Let’s partner together, whether individuals, families, couples, divorce, career or educational goal using Collaborative Approach to improve your relationship, overcome issues such as anxiety, or find purpose and happiness in your personal life.You’ll find your voice matter in this active, reflective listening approach to gain clarity, validation about your unique situation.
All individuals and relationships have unique challenges and strengths. My goals is to help you focus on your strengths and work on those things that threatened the vitality of it. The difficulties we experience, and despite what we may have been taught to believe, are sometimes really our friend

Prairie View A&M University
Been in Practice Since