
Lately anxious thoughts have been crowding your mind, leaving no room for clarity. You’re a successful woman. But you often feel like an imposter. The things happening to you are hard to explain. You need help, support, and to better understand whats happening because you want to feel in control of your life. You are ready to take on the challenge & having guidance & someone to hold you accountable proves most helpful for you. Being confident and clear about the direction you are heading is what we will work towards in our therapy. People around you will notice a difference in you & you’ll feel ready to take whatever comes at you!
I have 10 years of experience & specialize in helping women deal with anxiety. We will find the root of your anxious and confusing feelings so you can get clear about the direction you are going. As you work with me you’ll learn skills to decrease these feelings, all while increasing your confidence/decision making & gaining stability within your emotions.
I know you don’t like asking others for help, but I am asking you to PUSH yourself to try something different. Email or call me TODAY; let’s work together. I am seeing clients in the office and virtually. I want to work with YOU. I am confident that your life will change after trying therapy with me.

Master of Social Work/East Carolina University
Been in Practice Since