Oliver Adams, MBA is a retired U.S. Army First Sergeant committed to helping people with less than


Kissing is a means of getting two people so close together that they can’t see anything wrong with each other.                                                                                                                         Rene Yasenek It’s the end of every romantic comedy and it seals the deal in every wedding. It’s the subject of songs (thank you Prince), movies (thank you Drew Barrymore), and you ALWAYS remember…


TRUE or FALSE: Most men/women are totally satisfied with their performance in the bedroom? FALSE! If you ask your mate, you may get a response that’s hard to handle, but better sex is possible – RIGHT NOW! SEX is a little word that has BIG meaning. There are books about it, songs about it, movies about…

Marriage Separation Advice

By Jennifer Paine Attorney, Cordell & Cordell In 2011, the news of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s “love child” glossed over a far more common and problematic issue that you are more likely to face – a trial marriage separation. “My wife wants to separate but is not ready for a full divorce,” is something I hear frequently. Unfortunately, divorce…

10 Things to Know Before You Say “I Do”

If you are considering the lifetime commitment of marriage, or if you are already engaged and have your special date set, you will want to know these 10 pieces of advice. Before my wife and I said “I Do” fifteen years ago, we ignored most of the advice experienced couples gave us. These 10 things will save you and your spouse a great deal of heartache if you will put them to work. Below are the 10 things married people want you to know before saying “I Do”:

Relationship Compatibility

Vestibulum in gravida erat. Pellentesque eu erat sed odio tempor dignissim fermentum non turpis. Curabitur eu massa id ex placerat interdum a non erat. Proin egestas porta malesuada. Nulla facilisi. Mauris ornare pharetra nibh, id dignissim leo mollis et. Curabitur dignissim eu sem non vulputate. Vivamus et quam viverra, sagittis ante non, efficitur magna. Nulla facilisi. Sed at dolor eu orci porttitor tempus.